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GDPR Compliance:  Why is this so important?

I’ve had an advising firm for nearly 20 years.  In 2018, I decided to take this firm to a different level.  I wanted to grow internationally.  What I didn’t know was how important GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) were.  I am incredibly glad I know now.

I began working with my business coach and her partner, the incomparable Dr. Priya E. Abraham, who is based in Vienna, Austria and  Ms. Ilona Sayenka, an insightful and skilled attorney of GDPR law.  We worked together to comb through my business and ensure all of my data and privacy policies were solid and in compliance with GDPR requirements.  Was it tough?  You bet.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely!  In order to do business in Europe one must be GDPR compliant to work with European clients, no matter where they are in the world.  I am able to do business globally now and ensure my client data is protected to the best degree.  Here are a few things I learned in this process: 

  1. Privacy and security are not the pain in the ass we think they are. Privacy and security are a high level of respect for those with which we interact.

  2. GDPR (and CCPA, California Consumer Privacy Act) is about creating trust among all of us interacting digitally.

  3. Privacy and security slow me down…in the best way! My GDPR compliance ensures I ask all of the questions that will create the best interaction between myself and my clients (and even in my remote personal relationships).

  4. I’ve learned that as much as I want trust to be a two-way street, digitally, trust has to be earned, not given. This is not about lacking compassion, but about protection from those who do not embrace compassion.

  5. Finally, GDPR has taught me how lax so much of the world is when it comes to privacy and security. It means os much that we advocate for ourselves as well as our clients. Respect…trust…it starts with us.

I am incredibly grateful to have found Dr. Abraham and M. Sayenka to help me with this huge and important part of my business.  If you would like to know more, please reach out to us.  We would be happy to assist you in your GDPR and CCPA compliance needs.

Please contact us at for more information.