Individual Coaching


Welcome! Our products, services, and website are currently under an exciting phase of (re)construction. If you have any questions, reach out to for more information. We look forward to working with you!

You are the lead on your journey…

In this world of constant evolution, you may find yourself wanting to change jobs, careers, or everything. Together, we will work through a 5-step process, based on our Synergistic Leadership Model, to help you decide the next step in your journey.

Our work together will include five coaching sessions focused on:

  • Reflective self-assessments to affirm or gather new information on your strengths and vision.

  • A personal strategic plan with tools and resources for your successful evolution.

  • And, a supportive, compassionate, and energetic coaching environment.

You are the lead, you get to call the shots. I am here to guide the process. You will be successful.

Coaching Strategies and Approaches:

  • Leadership/Executive

  • Career

  • Grief/Loss

  • Higher Education

  • Life


I have worked with Dr. Marya Wilson in several capacities and have found her to be the consummate professional. I have attended professional development workshops about a wide range of leadership-related topics that she has facilitated and all have been very well organized and the information presented was incredibly valuable to my role as a higher education leader. Most recently, I met with Dr. Wilson on a consultative basis to obtain guidance regarding a potential career shift. She was incredibly supportive, encouraging, and compassionate. She listened attentively to both my concerns and excitement about the potential shift and offered sound advice. She has a warm and positive presence that made all anxiety I was experiencing about the possible change in career direction I might take completely dissipate. As I continue to navigate the future and my career as a leader, I hope to continue working with Dr. Wilson as her guidance and support is so valuable and insightful. I highly recommend any professional, especially leaders (from any industry), to engage with Dr. Wilson. You will not regret it.”

AD, Minnesota

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Contact me at or book a free 30-minute consultation here.