I’ve gotten a little caught up in my trip, and I am loving it! I write this from Berlin this morning. This city is amazing. It is full of history, green space, and incredible people. I was journaling about the trip and had to laugh because this trip has truly been full of Griswold moments. I travel all the time, in the US and slowly more abroad. My trips always seem to go quite well, with the occasional flight delay. I’ve always gone into these trips with confidence that no matter what happens, an adventure awaits. Seems to me that takes a boat load of trust on my part. As I’ve written about trust the last few months, I’ve also realized how much vulnerability it takes to be trusting.
When I got to Berlin, I was giddy with excitement. I have had this city on my bucket list for years. It’s been worth every penny and definitely this Griswold moment. I love to take cabs in new cities because I get to sit back and see the sites and enjoy the ride. Sometimes, I get lucky and get a hilarious driver who starts my trip off with a good laugh. Oh, I got a good laugh this time…about 24 hours after I got out of the car. It turns out, the cab I got into was not a cab. The driver was a fast-acting hustler with zero ties to any cab company. His behavior was strange, he wouldn’t take anything but cash, drove erratically, partnered with the driver next to us and made these fabulous hand signals. Yep, I was being taken for a ride. I started taking measures to protect myself (which made him calm down and stop acting like a jack ass). I was dropped off, 2 blocks from the hotel. I threw my cash at him, grabbed my bag, and said good-bye to that Griswold moment. I also ordered a bottle of wine to be delivered to my room immediately. Hey, I might as well toast to the first time I’ve been hustled, right?
Vulnerability is placing ourselves in situations with the opportunity of being wounded or criticized, having to use self-defense, or even being tempted emotionally or physically. Sounds super positive huh? Well, getting in a cab in a foreign city takes a boat load of trust, and if you’re unlucky, makes you vulnerable to the nth degree. I’d argue that many of the things we do in this life take trust and make us vulnerable. And honestly, for the first time in my life, I can say, “I love taking risks.” The thing of it is, I have spent the majority of my life not taking risks or letting fear hold me back because being vulnerable meant the risk of being hurt. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had an amazing life with amazing adventures, but I sometimes wonder how much more adventure I could have had if I had just said “do it.”
Being vulnerable is one of the most brave things a person can do. Vulnerability and trust mean we risk getting hurt mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. They generate fear. AND, vulnerability and trust generate courage and strength that make dreams, goals, commitments, and amazing things happen. Vulnerability and trust are most definitely not weak.
I’ve laughed a lot since my Griswold cab moment, mostly because I was one of the lucky ones (the worst thing that happened was I had the crap scared out of me and he got double the fare). I have also been writing a lot since I’ve been here. Putting my trust into my friends and strangers makes me vulnerable. Trusting they will all act in a way that is supportive and positive for me takes some serious vulnerability. The risks I take in trusting others is what creates adventure, fun, and a most amazing life. I’ll take the risk…and a lot more as I venture forward.
What is the last big risk you took that brought you some great adventures? A great story to tell? I hope you’ll share with me.
I’ll post again when I get back to the States. I’m going to go soak up some more of Berlin and Rotterdam before I come home. What an adventure!
Brandenburg Gate by Marya Wilson
The Reichstag by Marya Wilson
East Berlin by Marya Wilson