The last few weeks have been, shall we say, a bit like a cross between whack-a-mole, Pac-Man, and a pinball game. Hey, it isn’t boring, and sometimes it is quite hysterical, so I’ll take it. 😊 I have had several big changes take place for me personally and professionally. They have rocked my world well, and betrayed my trust in pretty big ways. There have been tears, anger, and even, “WTF?” Sometimes, life will toss some serious rocks. It hurts and bruises and shakes our world, sometimes to the core.
What has been interesting for me is the numerous silver linings that keep popping up. I’m not sure how or why they are showing up so quickly. I attribute being able to see them quicker to life experience, a little Buddhist approach, and some really great and supportive friends and family. They are there though. The silver linings continue to bubble up and give me energy and power.
Change is hard, even positive change. Disruptive change is even harder. But, the transformation can be amazing. These surprises have hurt, but I am determined to face the uncertainty and not let fear roadblock me. I am going to let this drive me to do different, be different, and think different. I am going to make this “next normal” awesome.
Let me know how I can help you with the changes and uncertainty in your world. I want to help you use that uncertainty to drive you to an awesome “next normal.”
Forgive the lack of sharing in what happened. I am not wanting to jinx my next step that has arisen from all this bouncing around (like I said, pinball, ha). It’s going to be a trip. I hope you’ll come along with me.